September 28 @ 2:30 pm

Data analytics platforms have now become essential in digitized IoT enterprises

In the Internet of Things context  – where the great pervasiveness of connected objects involves the generation of large amounts of data – all issues related to data collection and analysis are amplified and the use of systems ranging from macro-management to operational decisions enable appropriate, real-time decisions based on reliable information.


Chairperson: Stefano Belviolandi, Journalist

? 2:30 pm Welcome and opening remarks by the chairman

? 2:35 pm AI in four examples: not only theory but also practice
Luca Bixio, Managing Director,

When dealing with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning it’s easy to stumble upon complex concepts and getting stuck in abstractions. That’s why to make these technologies accessible, it’s important to keep the focus on practical examples of AI applications.

From connected equipment to production processes, from energy efficiency to logistics. In this talk, FlairBit will describe the common elements that made these projects successful.

? 2:50 pm Artificial Intelligence for the world of electricity
Roberto Candela, CEO,  Prysmian Electronics

The data analytics technology developed by Prysmian Group started with the most critical application in the world of electricity (partial discharges) and demonstrated how Artificial Intelligence can prove to be fundamental in helping humans make crucial decisions.

Over time, Artificial Intelligence applied to electricity has evolved, and today it is able to provide autonomous diagnostic indications on a whole series of parameters.


? 3:o5 pm Alerting and capture of data changes in real time are the first step to create an Active Intelligence platform, which manages a continuous flow of data and information at the service of users and process automation

Corrado Lorefice, OEM Sales Manager, Qlik
Giacomo Brioschi, Embedded Analytics Solution Architect, Qlik

? 3:20 pm Use of digital systems and IOT for road surface monitoring
Mario Bellotti
, Marketing Strategico Sviluppo Business Big Data, VEM Solutions (Viasat Group)
Mauro Nesti
, CEO, Qmap

? 3:35 pm Experimentation Genoa – 5G and algorithms at the service of mobility infrastructures
Gianluca Stefanini
, Portfolio Owner Mobility, Energy & Smartcities Vodafone Business Italia

A Genova Vodafone sta realizzando un importante progetto 5G insieme a Comune di Genova, CNR, Leonardo, AMT Genova, e Start 4.0 il cui obiettivo è dimostrare come la tecnologia e l’uso mirato di dati raccolti in tempo reale sul territorio possono concretamente migliorare la sicurezza stradale e delle infrastrutture.

La combinazione di 5G, Edge Computing e sofisticati algoritmi di Intelligenza Artificiale può essere ad esempio utilizzata per ridurre il rischio di collisioni in situazioni a bassa visibilità, per dare priorità a mezzi speciali o per una gestione più tempestiva ed efficiente delle infrastrutture stradali.

? 3:50 pm Final remarks – end of session





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Sep 28 2021


2:30 pm - 3:50 pm




Milan + on-line


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