29 settembre @ 14:30

The leading professionals in the international scene speak about the state-of-the-art and on the evolution of the most innovative technologies connected to the Internet of Things.

? Key success factors driving the business  

? The fast changing landscape of IoT Platforms

? IoT connectivity strategies and standardization

? Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain technology, 5G Networks and other disruptive developments 

? Managing and analyzing Big Data


Chairperson:  Saverio Romeo, Associate Lecturer on Emerging Digital Technologies Management and Policy, Birkbeck – University of London

? 2:30 pm Introductory speech
Saverio Romeo,
Associate Lecturer on Emerging Digital Technologies Management and Policy, Birkbeck – University of London

? 2:40 pm The Myth of IOT – Why the Internet of Things is not a Technology story
Paul Glynn, CEO, DAVRA

Back in the early 1990’s science fiction writer William Gibson wrote that ‘the future is already here – its just not evenly distributed’. Fast forward 30 years and very little has changed,  the Internet of Things is generally regarded as the leading edge of modern technology but if you look closely you’ll see that its already becoming a critical piece of many of the products and services we consume on a daily basis. 

Isn’t it about time we stopped thinking of it as some form of geeky distraction for the techies in our organisations and adopted it into our businesses in a real and meaningful way ?

? 2:55 pm Quo Vadis IoT? Analizing IoT in the last 10 Years and predicting the evolution next 5 years
Francisco Maroto

? 3:05 pm Trust and security in the IoT infrastructure: The role of IOTA ledger and tools. Technology and use cases
Michele Nati, Head of Telco and Infrastructure Development, IOTA Foundation

? 3:20 pm The Trillion Dollar Opportunity in Blockchain & IoT: real world use cases
Larry Pang, Head of Business Development, IoTeX – Simone Romano, Developer Community Growth, IoTeX

? 3:35 pm speech by Andrea Cinelli, CEO & Founder, FoolFarm

? 3:50 pm Final remarks and end of session


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Set 29 2021


2:30 pm - 4:00 pm

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